If you are experiencing some graphic objects, like grass and trees, appearing "blocky", please follow these steps:
Open your video card control panel (typically NVIDIA Control Panel or Radeon Software).
Make sure Antialiasing and Anisotropic filtering are set to "Application-controlled".
Open theHunter launcher and select "Game settings" from the settings menu in the top right corner. Set Multisample Anti-Aliasing to "1x" and Anisotropic Filtering "Off".
If this clears up the blocky graphics, change Multisample Anti-Aliasing to "2x" or higher and try launching a hunt. If you make it to 8x, then do the same with Anisotropic Filtering.
Once you get the blocky trees again (or a launch error), reverse the latest change. It means you have reached the maximum performance settings for your graphics card.